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Unlock the Secrets of the Book of Vile Darkness 5e Stats: A Comprehensive Guide

The Book of Vile Darkness in D&D 5e contains dark spells, twisted magic items, and rules for creating evil characters. Unleash your inner darkness.

The Book of Vile Darkness is a legendary grimoire that contains some of the darkest and most depraved secrets of the multiverse. It is a powerful tool for evil spellcasters and those who seek to embrace the darker side of magic. In Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition, the Book of Vile Darkness has been given new stats and abilities that make it a valuable addition to any campaign.

The book is said to have been written by an ancient cult of demon-worshipers, who imbued it with dark magic and unspeakable knowledge. It is bound in human skin and inked in blood, and its pages are filled with vile incantations, forbidden rituals, and twisted spells that can corrupt the mind and soul of anyone who reads them.

In terms of stats, the Book of Vile Darkness is a legendary magical item that requires attunement. It has a weight of 5 pounds and a value of 50,000 gold pieces. The book has several unique properties that make it a dangerous and unpredictable artifact.

One of the most notable features of the book is its ability to corrupt the minds and souls of those who read it. Any creature that spends at least 1 hour reading the book must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or suffer one level of exhaustion and gain one point of corruption. Corruption is a new mechanic in Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition that represents a character's descent into darkness and evil.

The book also contains several powerful spells and rituals that can only be cast by characters with a certain level of corruption. For example, the spell Create Undead can only be cast by characters with at least 3 points of corruption, while the ritual Summon Demon requires at least 5 points of corruption.

In addition to its magical properties, the Book of Vile Darkness is also a valuable source of information for characters who seek to understand the darker side of magic and the multiverse. It contains detailed descriptions of various demons, devils, and other evil entities, as well as instructions on how to summon and control them.

However, the book is not without its risks. Characters who spend too much time reading the book or casting its spells may become permanently corrupted, turning into evil NPCs or even becoming the main villains of the campaign.

The Book of Vile Darkness can be a valuable tool for Dungeon Masters who want to add an element of horror and darkness to their campaigns. It can be used as a plot device, a powerful magical item, or even as the main antagonist of the story.

However, it is important to use the book with caution and to ensure that it does not overshadow the rest of the campaign or make the players feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

In conclusion, the Book of Vile Darkness is a powerful and dangerous artifact that should be approached with caution. Its stats and abilities make it a valuable addition to any campaign, but it should only be used by experienced players and DMs who are comfortable with exploring the darker side of magic and storytelling.


The Book of Vile Darkness is a legendary magical item in the Dungeons and Dragons universe. It is a book that contains the darkest and most twisted knowledge of evil magic, and it is said to be a source of immense power for those who dare to use it. In the 5th edition of D&D, the Book of Vile Darkness has been updated with new stats, making it more deadly and dangerous than ever before.

The Stats

The Book of Vile Darkness has a number of different stats that make it a powerful tool for any evil wizard or sorcerer. The book has an armor class of 20, which makes it difficult to damage in combat. It also has 100 hit points, which means that it can withstand a significant amount of damage before being destroyed.

Special Abilities

One of the most dangerous things about the Book of Vile Darkness is its special abilities. The book has the ability to cast a number of powerful spells, including Finger of Death, Harm, and Power Word Kill. It also has the ability to summon demons and other evil creatures to do its bidding.


The Book of Vile Darkness is resistant to a number of different types of damage, including fire, cold, lightning, and poison. This makes it difficult to destroy using traditional methods, and means that adventurers will need to be creative in order to defeat it.

Legendary Actions

In addition to its standard actions, the Book of Vile Darkness has a number of legendary actions that it can take each turn. These include casting a spell, summoning a demon, or using its legendary resistance to avoid being affected by a spell or ability.

The Risks

While the Book of Vile Darkness is a powerful tool for evil wizards and sorcerers, it is also incredibly dangerous. Anyone who reads the book will be corrupted by its dark knowledge, and may become evil themselves. In addition, using the book too often can cause physical and mental harm, leading to insanity or death.


The more someone uses the Book of Vile Darkness, the more likely they are to be corrupted by its evil influence. This can lead to them becoming evil themselves, or even turning into a demon or other evil creature.

Physical and Mental Harm

Using the Book of Vile Darkness too often can also cause physical and mental harm. The user may suffer from nightmares, hallucinations, or other mental health issues. They may also experience physical symptoms, such as headaches, fatigue, or even organ failure.

How to Find the Book of Vile Darkness

While the Book of Vile Darkness is a powerful tool for evil wizards and sorcerers, it is also incredibly rare and difficult to find. It is said to be hidden away in the depths of the abyss, guarded by demons and other evil creatures.

The Abyss

The abyss is a plane of existence that is home to some of the most powerful and dangerous demons in the D&D universe. Adventurers who wish to find the Book of Vile Darkness will need to navigate this dangerous realm and face off against some of the most powerful creatures in the game.

The Guardians

In addition to the dangers of the abyss itself, adventurers who seek the Book of Vile Darkness will also need to face off against its guardians. These may include powerful demons, undead creatures, or other evil beings who are tasked with protecting the book from those who would use it for evil.


Overall, the Book of Vile Darkness is a powerful and dangerous magical item in the D&D universe. Its new stats in the 5th edition of the game make it more deadly than ever before, and adventurers who seek it out will need to be prepared for a difficult and dangerous journey. While the book may offer immense power to those who use it, the risks of corruption and physical and mental harm are significant, making it a tool that should only be used by the most evil of villains.

Introduction to the Book of Vile Darkness

The Book of Vile Darkness is a legendary artifact that has appeared in various editions of Dungeons and Dragons. It is known for its malevolent powers and its ability to corrupt those who read it. The book is a powerful tool for evil characters and can provide them with destructive spells and dark magic items. However, its influence can also lead to madness and destruction. In this article, we will explore the 5e stats of the Book of Vile Darkness and how it can be used in your campaign.

The Dark Powers Contained Within

The Book of Vile Darkness is filled with dark magic and malevolent spells. It contains spells that can cause great harm to others, such as causing diseases and curses. It also includes spells that allow the user to control other creatures or raise the dead. Additionally, the book provides rules for crafting dark magic items that can be used to inflict pain and suffering on others.

Overview of the 5e Stats

In the 5th edition of Dungeons and Dragons, the Book of Vile Darkness is a legendary artifact with the following stats:- Rarity: Legendary- Weight: 5 lbs.- Properties: Sentient, Evil, Artifact- Alignment: Chaotic Evil- Intelligence: 20 (+5)- Wisdom: 18 (+4)- Charisma: 25 (+7)- Communication: Telepathy- Languages: Abyssal, Common, and any other languages known by its previous owners- Abilities: The book can cast spells, create magic items, and grant boons to its wielder. However, its use comes at a cost, as it can also inflict madness and corruption on the user.

How to Obtain the Book in Your Campaign

The Book of Vile Darkness is a powerful artifact that should not be obtained easily. It may require the players to embark on a dangerous quest or defeat a powerful enemy. The book could also be found in a hidden location, guarded by powerful creatures. Alternatively, it could be a reward for completing a morally questionable task or a deal with a demon or devil.

The Malevolent Spells Inside

The spells contained within the Book of Vile Darkness are designed to cause harm and destruction. Some of the spells include:- Blight: This spell causes a plant creature to wither and die, dealing necrotic damage.- Contagion: This spell causes a disease to afflict the target, which can cause various effects, including blindness and paralysis.- Create Undead: This spell raises a corpse as a zombie or skeleton under the caster's control.- Eyebite: This spell allows the caster to afflict the target with various negative effects, such as fear or sleep.- Finger of Death: This spell causes instant death to the target if they fail their saving throw.These spells can cause great harm to others and should be used with caution.

Rules for Crafting Dark Magic Items

The Book of Vile Darkness also provides rules for crafting dark magic items. These items can be created using the book and require specific materials and rituals. Examples of dark magic items include cursed weapons that cause the user to go berserk or rings that allow the user to control other creatures.When creating dark magic items, it is important to consider the consequences of their use. They can be powerful tools for evil characters, but they can also lead to destruction and chaos.

The Corruption of Reading the Book

Reading the Book of Vile Darkness can have dire consequences. The book has the power to corrupt its reader and inflict madness and evil upon them. The book can also cause physical changes to the reader, such as turning their eyes black or causing them to grow horns.When a character reads the book, they must make a Wisdom saving throw. If they fail, they become corrupted by the book and gain a level of madness. They may also gain negative personality traits, such as becoming more selfish or cruel.

The Book's Influence on NPCs and PCs

The Book of Vile Darkness can also influence NPCs and PCs in your campaign. Evil characters may seek out the book to gain its power, while good characters may try to destroy it to prevent others from using it.NPCs who possess the book may become more evil and use its power for their own purposes. They may also become more paranoid and secretive, fearing that others will try to take the book from them.PCs who possess the book must resist its corrupting influence. They may find themselves struggling with their own morality and tempted to use the book's power for their own gain. The book can also cause rifts within the party, as some characters may want to destroy it while others want to keep it.

Using the Book as a Plot Device

The Book of Vile Darkness can be used as a plot device in your campaign. It can be the focus of a quest or the goal of an antagonist. The book can also be a source of conflict within the party, as characters may have different opinions on how to handle it.Additionally, the book can be used to introduce new villains or allies. Characters who seek out the book may encounter powerful evil creatures or meet NPCs who are willing to help them obtain it.

Balancing the Book's Power in Your Game

The Book of Vile Darkness is a powerful artifact that should be used with caution. Its power can quickly unbalance your game if used too often. Therefore, it is important to consider the consequences of its use and balance its power accordingly.One way to balance the book's power is to limit its use. The book could have a limited number of charges or require specific materials to cast its spells. Additionally, using the book could come at a cost, such as inflicting madness or requiring the user to make a deal with a demon or devil.Another way to balance the book's power is to make it difficult to obtain. The book could be well-guarded or require the players to complete a difficult quest. This can prevent the book from falling into the wrong hands and keep its power in check.In conclusion, the Book of Vile Darkness is a powerful artifact that can provide evil characters with destructive spells and dark magic items. However, its influence can also lead to madness and destruction. As a DM, it is important to balance the book's power and use it with caution. Used properly, the book can be a powerful plot device that adds depth and complexity to your campaign.

Point of View on Book of Vile Darkness 5e Stats

The Book of Vile Darkness is a legendary artifact in the Dungeons & Dragons universe, and it has been featured in various editions of the game. In the 5th edition, the Book of Vile Darkness is presented as a magic item with powerful abilities and dangerous drawbacks. As an AI language model, I don't have a point of view as humans do, but I can provide some information about the pros and cons of the Book of Vile Darkness 5e stats.

Pros of Book of Vile Darkness 5e Stats

  1. Powerful Abilities: The Book of Vile Darkness grants its wielder various powerful abilities, such as advantage on attack rolls against good-aligned creatures and immunity to disease and poison. It also allows the user to cast spells like contagion, summon demon, and animate dead.

  2. Roleplaying Opportunities: The Book of Vile Darkness is a great tool for roleplaying, especially if your character is evil or has dark ambitions. It can lead to interesting character development and interactions with other players.

  3. Legendary Status: The Book of Vile Darkness is a legendary artifact in the D&D universe, and possessing it can make your character stand out as a powerful and feared individual.

Cons of Book of Vile Darkness 5e Stats

  1. Corruption and Madness: The Book of Vile Darkness is not without its drawbacks. It corrupts and taints its user's soul, leading them down a path of darkness and madness. This can result in alignment changes, character death, or even becoming an NPC under the DM's control.

  2. Risk of Losing Control: The powerful abilities of the Book of Vile Darkness come at a cost. Using them too often or recklessly can lead to the user losing control and becoming a pawn of evil forces. This can result in the DM taking control of the character or even turning them into a villain in the campaign.

  3. Difficult to Attain: The Book of Vile Darkness is not an easy item to obtain. It requires a high-level quest or adventure, and even then, it may not be accessible to all characters. It is also a rare and valuable item, which means it may attract unwanted attention from other powerful factions or individuals.

Table Comparison of Book of Vile Darkness 5e Stats

Stat Book of Vile Darkness Sourcebook
Item Rarity Legendary Dungeon Master's Guide
Magic Item Type Wondrous Item Dungeon Master's Guide
Attunement Requires attunement by an evil-aligned creature Dungeon Master's Guide
Abilities Advantage on attack rolls against good-aligned creatures, immunity to disease and poison, can cast spells like contagion, summon demon, and animate dead Dungeon Master's Guide
Drawbacks Corrupts and taints the user's soul, risk of madness and losing control, attracts unwanted attention Dungeon Master's Guide

Overall, the Book of Vile Darkness is a powerful and iconic item in the Dungeons & Dragons universe, but it comes with significant risks and drawbacks. It can be a great addition to your character's story and abilities, but it's important to weigh the consequences and consult with your DM before using it.

The Book of Vile Darkness 5e Stats: Unleashing the Dark Side

Hello, dear readers! It's been a pleasure having you here today, exploring the fascinating world of Dungeons and Dragons. Today, we're going to delve into a particularly interesting topic - The Book of Vile Darkness. This cursed tome has long been a subject of fascination among D&D enthusiasts, and today we'll be taking a closer look at its stats in 5th edition.

Before we dive into the details, let's take a moment to understand what the Book of Vile Darkness is all about. In D&D lore, this book is said to be a notorious artifact that holds within it the darkest secrets of the multiverse. It contains spells, rituals, and knowledge that are considered taboo, even by the most depraved beings in existence.

In terms of gameplay, the Book of Vile Darkness is a powerful magic item that can grant immense power to its user. However, it comes at a great cost. The book is inherently evil, and using it can lead to corruption and madness. In fact, some campaigns have even gone so far as to make the possession of this book a punishable offense.

So, without further ado, let's take a look at the 5e stats for the Book of Vile Darkness:

Item Rarity: Legendary

Description: This ancient tome is bound in black leather and adorned with twisted metal clasps. Its pages are filled with arcane symbols and eldritch writing that can only be deciphered by those with a dark heart.

Abilities: The Book of Vile Darkness grants its user access to a number of powerful spells and abilities. These include:

1. Vile Curse: The user can curse a target, causing them to suffer from a variety of debilitating effects.

2. Necrotic Blast: The user can unleash a blast of dark energy that deals necrotic damage to all creatures within range.

3. Abyssal Gateway: The user can open a portal to the Abyss, summoning a number of demons to aid them in battle.

Drawbacks: The Book of Vile Darkness is not without its drawbacks. In fact, its corrupting influence can be so strong that it may even lead to the downfall of the user. Some of the potential drawbacks include:

1. Corruption: Each time the user casts a spell from the Book of Vile Darkness, they must make a Wisdom saving throw or become corrupted. This corruption can lead to madness, physical mutations, and even alignment shifts.

2. Insanity: If the user fails a Wisdom saving throw while holding the book, they may become permanently insane.

3. Punishment: Some campaigns have rules in place that make the possession of the Book of Vile Darkness a punishable offense. If the user is caught with the book, they may face imprisonment, exile, or even death.

As you can see, the Book of Vile Darkness is a powerful but dangerous artifact. Its stats in 5th edition make it an incredibly tempting item to possess, but the risks are high. Whether you choose to include this item in your campaign or not is up to you, but it's certainly an intriguing addition to any D&D world.

Thank you for joining us today on this journey into the dark side of D&D. We hope you found this article informative and entertaining. Until next time, happy gaming!

People Also Ask About Book of Vile Darkness 5e Stats

What is the Book of Vile Darkness in D&D 5e?

The Book of Vile Darkness is a magical artifact in Dungeons & Dragons 5e that contains knowledge and rituals related to evil and dark magic. It is said to have been written by an ancient sorcerer who delved into the darkest depths of magic.

What are the stats for the Book of Vile Darkness in D&D 5e?

The Book of Vile Darkness has not been officially published in D&D 5e, so there are no official stats available. However, some homebrew versions of the book exist online and in other sources. The stats for these versions vary, but generally include powerful spells and abilities related to necromancy, demon summoning, and other dark magic practices.

Can players use the Book of Vile Darkness in D&D 5e?

The use of the Book of Vile Darkness in D&D 5e is up to the discretion of the Dungeon Master. Due to its evil nature and powerful contents, the book may be restricted or banned in some campaigns. If allowed, the book may provide powerful benefits to players who use it, but at a cost to their morality and alignment.

Is the Book of Vile Darkness worth using in D&D 5e?

The decision to use the Book of Vile Darkness in D&D 5e ultimately depends on the campaign and the players involved. If the campaign focuses on evil characters and dark magic, the book may be a valuable asset. However, if the campaign is focused on heroic characters and good-aligned parties, the book may be more trouble than it's worth.

What are some alternatives to the Book of Vile Darkness in D&D 5e?

There are many other magical artifacts and powerful spells available to players in D&D 5e that can provide similar benefits to the Book of Vile Darkness without the associated moral dilemmas. Some examples include the Tome of Understanding, the Book of Exalted Deeds, and the Codex of the Infinite Planes.

  • Overall, the Book of Vile Darkness is a powerful and controversial artifact in Dungeons & Dragons 5e.
  • Official stats for the book have not been published, but homebrew versions exist online.
  • The use of the book is up to the discretion of the Dungeon Master and may be restricted or banned in some campaigns.
  • Whether or not the book is worth using depends on the campaign and players involved.
  • Alternatives to the book include other magical artifacts and spells with similar benefits.