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10 Thought-Provoking Rules of Civility Book Club Questions to Engage Your Group

Looking for book club questions for Rules of Civility? Check out our curated list of thought-provoking discussion prompts!

The Rules of Civility book club questions are a great way to delve deeper into the intricacies of the novel. This book, written by Amor Towles, takes place in New York City during the 1930s and follows the story of Katey Kontent as she navigates the social scene. The book is filled with themes of class, ambition, love, and betrayal, making it the perfect choice for a book club discussion. However, to ensure that the conversation flows smoothly, it is important to establish some ground rules.

Firstly, it is crucial to make sure that everyone has read the book before attending the discussion. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it can be frustrating for those who have put in the effort to come prepared only to find out that others have not done the same. To avoid this, it is recommended that all members provide proof of having read the book, such as a summary or review.

Another important rule is to respect each other's opinions. It is natural for people to have different interpretations of the same text, and this can lead to engaging discussions. However, it is important to listen to each other and avoid interrupting or dismissing someone else's point of view. This will create a safe and welcoming environment for everyone to participate in the conversation.

One way to facilitate this is by using open-ended questions. Closed-ended questions tend to elicit short, one-word answers, whereas open-ended questions encourage people to elaborate and share their thoughts. For example, instead of asking Did you like the book?, ask What did you think of the protagonist's actions in the final chapter? This will allow for a more nuanced and insightful discussion.

It is also important to keep the conversation focused on the book and avoid tangents. While it is natural to draw parallels to personal experiences or other works of literature, it can be disruptive to the flow of the discussion. To prevent this, it may be helpful to designate a moderator who can gently steer the conversation back on track if necessary.

Another useful rule is to avoid spoilers. Not everyone may have finished the book, and even if they have, it is important to allow others to come to their own conclusions without being influenced by outside information. If spoilers are absolutely necessary for the discussion, make sure to give ample warning beforehand.

Furthermore, it may be helpful to establish a set amount of time for each person to speak. This will ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to share their thoughts and prevent any one person from dominating the conversation. Additionally, it may be useful to encourage quieter members to speak up and share their opinions.

In addition to these rules, it is important to create a comfortable environment for the discussion. This may include providing snacks or drinks, choosing a quiet and cozy location, or even having some icebreaker activities at the beginning to help people get to know each other better.

Finally, it is important to end the discussion on a positive note. Thank everyone for coming and sharing their thoughts, and perhaps suggest some other books for future discussions. Sending out a follow-up email or message with additional resources or discussion questions can also be a nice touch.

All in all, the Rules of Civility book club questions provide a great opportunity for engaging discussions with friends or colleagues. By establishing some ground rules and creating a comfortable environment, everyone can have a meaningful and enjoyable experience.


The Rules of Civility is a book written by Amor Towles. It is a story about the life of a young woman named Katey Kontent who lives in New York City during the 1930s. The book explores themes such as class, love, and ambition. The book has become a popular choice for book clubs around the world. This article will provide some questions that book clubs can use to guide their discussions on The Rules of Civility.

Question 1: What was your initial impression of Katey?

Katey is the protagonist of the book. She is a young woman who is trying to make a life for herself in New York City. At the beginning of the book, she is working in a typing pool. As a character, she is smart, ambitious, and witty. She is also flawed. She can be judgmental and sometimes makes poor decisions. Discuss your initial impression of Katey and how it changed throughout the book.

Question 2: What role does class play in the book?

Class is a significant theme in The Rules of Civility. Katey comes from a lower-class background and is trying to move up in society. She meets people from different social classes and struggles to fit in with them. How does class affect the characters in the book, and what does the book say about class in general?

Question 3: What do you think the title of the book means?

The title of the book, The Rules of Civility, refers to a list of rules that George Washington wrote when he was a young man. The rules are about how to behave in polite society. How do these rules apply to the characters in the book, and what do they say about the society they live in?

Question 4: What role does love play in the book?

Love is a significant theme in the book. Katey has relationships with several men throughout the story. How do these relationships affect her, and what does the book say about love and relationships?

Question 5: What did you think of the other characters in the book?

The book has a diverse cast of characters, each with their own personalities and motivations. Discuss your thoughts on some of the other characters, such as Tinker, Eve, and Wallace.

Question 6: How does the book portray New York City during the 1930s?

The book takes place in New York City during the Great Depression. How does the book portray the city during this time, and how does it affect the characters' lives?

Question 7: What did you think of the ending?

The book has an ambiguous ending that leaves many questions unanswered. Discuss your thoughts on the ending and what you think happened to Katey and the other characters.

Question 8: What did you think of the writing style?

The book is well-written and uses beautiful language to describe the characters and settings. Discuss your thoughts on the writing style and how it enhances the story.

Question 9: What were some of your favorite scenes?

The book has many memorable scenes, from the parties at the Stork Club to the trip to the beach. Discuss some of your favorite scenes and what made them stand out.

Question 10: What lessons can we learn from the book?

The Rules of Civility explores many themes that are still relevant today, such as class, love, and ambition. Discuss what lessons we can learn from the book and how they apply to our lives.


The Rules of Civility is a book that has something for everyone. Whether you are interested in history, romance, or just a good story, this book is sure to captivate you. The questions provided in this article are just a starting point for book clubs to explore the themes and characters in the book. Happy reading!

Rules of Civility Book Club Questions: A Comprehensive Guide

Rules of Civility, written by Amor Towles, is a novel that explores the intricacies of human behavior in the 1930s New York City. The book delves into the concept of civility and its role in shaping our society. It presents a compelling case for the importance of civility in our personal and professional relationships.This article provides a comprehensive guide to the Rules of Civility book club questions, exploring the key themes, ideas, and messages presented in the novel.

1. How does the author define civility?

In Rules of Civility, Amor Towles defines civility as a set of social norms and behavioral expectations that govern our interactions with others. According to the author, civility is not just about being polite or courteous but also about showing respect, empathy, and consideration towards others.He emphasizes that civility is a vital component of a healthy and prosperous society. It promotes mutual understanding, tolerance, and harmony among people from different backgrounds, beliefs, and cultures.

2. What are some of the key themes explored in the book?

The book explores several themes, including class, identity, ambition, love, friendship, and the pursuit of happiness. It highlights the challenges and opportunities that arise when individuals navigate these themes in their lives.One of the primary themes of the book is the pursuit of success and the sacrifices that come with it. Through the character of Katey Kontent, the author illustrates the struggles and triumphs of a young woman striving to make a name for herself in New York's high society.Another significant theme is the exploration of identity and how it shapes our experiences and interactions with others. The book portrays how societal norms and expectations can limit or empower individuals based on their race, gender, and social status.

3. How does the author use historical examples to illustrate the importance of civility?

The author uses several historical examples to illustrate the importance of civility in society. He draws on the events of the 1930s, such as the Great Depression and the rise of fascism in Europe, to show how incivility and intolerance can lead to social unrest and political upheaval.Towles also references historical figures such as George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, who were known for their adherence to the principles of civility. He illustrates how their leadership and diplomatic skills helped shape American society's foundation.

4. What does the book suggest about the role of civility in modern society?

The book suggests that civility is still a crucial component of modern society. It emphasizes the need for individuals to treat each other with respect and consideration, despite differences in beliefs, opinions, and backgrounds.The author argues that civility promotes mutual understanding and tolerance, leading to a more harmonious and prosperous society. He highlights how civility can help bridge divides and bring people together, even in times of great political and social unrest.

5. How does the book address the challenges of civility in the digital age?

The book acknowledges the challenges of maintaining civility in the digital age, where the anonymity of the internet can fuel incivility and hateful speech. The author presents several examples of cyberbullying and online harassment, illustrating how they can negatively impact individuals and communities.However, the book also offers practical tips and strategies for promoting civility in the digital age. It emphasizes the importance of being mindful of our online interactions and treating others with the same respect and consideration we would in person.

6. What are some of the practical tips and strategies suggested for promoting civility in everyday life?

The book offers several practical tips and strategies for promoting civility in everyday life. Some of these include:
  • Listening actively and empathetically to others
  • Showing appreciation and gratitude towards others
  • Being mindful of our nonverbal communication
  • Respecting others' privacy and personal boundaries
  • Avoiding gossip and negative talk about others

7. How does the book address the potential tensions between civility and free speech?

The book acknowledges the potential tensions between civility and free speech, highlighting how the two concepts can sometimes conflict with each other. However, the author emphasizes that civility and free speech are not mutually exclusive and can coexist in a healthy and thriving society.He argues that while individuals have the right to express their opinions freely, they also have a responsibility to do so in a respectful and considerate manner. The author suggests that promoting civility can help foster more productive and constructive dialogue, even on contentious issues.

8. What are some of the potential benefits of practicing civility in personal and professional relationships?

Practicing civility in personal and professional relationships can have several potential benefits. These include:
  • Building trust and respect among individuals
  • Reducing tension and conflict in relationships
  • Fostering mutual understanding and empathy
  • Improving communication and collaboration
  • Enhancing overall well-being and happiness

9. How can the principles of civility be applied to issues of social justice and equity?

The principles of civility can be applied to issues of social justice and equity by promoting respect, empathy, and consideration towards individuals from different backgrounds and experiences. Practicing civility can help break down barriers and promote inclusion and equality in society.The author suggests that promoting civility can help individuals recognize and address systemic inequalities and biases. It can also help foster a more just and equitable society by promoting collaboration and cooperation among individuals and groups.

10. What are some of the potential consequences of failing to practice civility in society?

Failing to practice civility in society can have several potential consequences. These include:
  • Increasing social unrest and political polarization
  • Promoting intolerance and discrimination
  • Decreasing trust and respect among individuals and communities
  • Reducing overall well-being and happiness
  • Crippling progress and development in society
In conclusion, Rules of Civility is a thought-provoking novel that explores the importance of civility in our personal and professional relationships. It offers practical tips and strategies for promoting civility in everyday life and highlights the potential benefits of doing so. By addressing the challenges of civility in the digital age and exploring its role in issues of social justice and equity, the book provides a comprehensive guide to navigating the complexities of human behavior in the 21st century.

Rules of Civility Book Club Questions: A Point of View

The Rules of Civility is a novel written by Amor Towles that tells the story of a young woman named Katey Kontent and her experiences in New York City during the 1930s. The book has garnered critical acclaim and has been the subject of many book club discussions. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of using Rules of Civility book club questions.

Pros of Using Rules of Civility Book Club Questions

  • Provides structure: Book club questions can provide a framework for discussion, ensuring that all members get a chance to share their thoughts and ideas.
  • Promotes deeper understanding: By asking thought-provoking questions, book club members can gain a deeper understanding of the characters, themes, and motifs in the book.
  • Fosters community: Book clubs can be a great way to bring people together and create a sense of community. Using book club questions can help facilitate this process.
  • Encourages critical thinking: Book club questions can challenge readers to think critically and consider different perspectives, which can lead to a more enriching reading experience.

Cons of Using Rules of Civility Book Club Questions

  • Can be restrictive: While book club questions can provide structure, they can also be limiting. Members may feel like they have to stick to the questions instead of exploring other topics related to the book.
  • May stifle conversation: If the book club questions are too prescriptive, they may discourage members from sharing their own thoughts and ideas.
  • Can be time-consuming: Depending on the length of the book and the number of questions, book club discussions can be time-consuming, which may not be feasible for all members.
  • May not appeal to everyone: Not everyone enjoys participating in book club discussions, and some members may feel like the questions are too academic or cerebral.

Table Comparison for Book Club Questions

Pros Cons
Structure Provides a framework for discussion Can be restrictive
Understanding Promotes deeper understanding May stifle conversation
Community Fosters community Can be time-consuming
Critical thinking Encourages critical thinking May not appeal to everyone

In conclusion, using Rules of Civility book club questions can have both pros and cons. While book club questions can provide structure, promote deeper understanding, foster community, and encourage critical thinking, they can also be restrictive, stifle conversation, be time-consuming, and may not appeal to everyone. Ultimately, it's up to each book club to decide whether or not to use book club questions, and if so, how many and what types of questions to ask.

The Rules of Civility Book Club Questions: A Guide to Civil Discussions

Thank you for taking the time to read this article about the Rules of Civility Book Club Questions. We hope that it has provided you with valuable insights on how to approach discussions on sensitive topics with civility and respect.

As we navigate through an ever-changing world, where opinions and beliefs are varied and diverse, it is crucial to be able to engage in civil discourse. The Rules of Civility Book Club Questions provide a framework for discussing controversial topics without resorting to personal attacks or derogatory comments.

It is essential to remember that we all have different experiences, perspectives, and values that shape our viewpoints. It is through respectful dialogue that we can learn from each other and broaden our understanding of the world around us.

When engaging in discussions on sensitive topics, it is important to listen actively and attentively. Avoid interrupting others or dismissing their opinions outright. Instead, try to understand their point of view and ask open-ended questions to encourage further discussion.

It is also crucial to avoid making assumptions about others. Stereotyping individuals based on their race, gender, religion, or any other characteristic is not only disrespectful but also counterproductive to meaningful dialogue. Instead, focus on the content of their arguments and engage in constructive criticism when necessary.

One of the essential rules of civility is to avoid personal attacks or derogatory comments during discussions. It is easy to become passionate about our beliefs and opinions, but it is crucial to maintain a civil tone and refrain from attacking others personally. Focus on the issues at hand, and avoid making it personal.

Another important aspect of civil discourse is to take responsibility for our words and actions. If we say something that may have been offensive or hurtful, it is essential to acknowledge our mistake and apologize. Remember, it takes courage to admit when we are wrong, and it is a sign of strength, not weakness.

It is also important to be mindful of our nonverbal communication during discussions. Our body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions can convey more than our words. Avoid crossing your arms, rolling your eyes, or using dismissive gestures. Instead, maintain an open posture, make eye contact, and show respect for others by listening attentively.

During discussions, it is also crucial to avoid making assumptions about others' beliefs or opinions. Allow others to articulate their viewpoints without interruption or judgment. Listen to understand, not to respond.

Lastly, it is important to remember that civility is not about avoiding disagreement or conflict. It is about engaging in respectful discourse despite our differences. We can learn from each other and broaden our understanding of the world around us when we engage in civil dialogue.

Thank you again for taking the time to read this article on the Rules of Civility Book Club Questions. We hope that it has provided you with valuable insights on how to approach discussions on sensitive topics with civility and respect. Remember, civil discourse is not only essential to democracy but also to our personal relationships and wellbeing.

People Also Ask about Rules of Civility Book Club Questions

What is Rules of Civility?

Rules of Civility is a novel written by Amor Towles. It is set in New York City in the late 1930s and follows the life of Katey Kontent, a young woman striving to make her way in the world.

What are some themes in Rules of Civility?

  • Class and social status
  • Identity and self-discovery
  • Love and relationships
  • The American Dream

Who are the main characters in Rules of Civility?

The main characters in Rules of Civility are:

  1. Katey Kontent
  2. Eve Ross
  3. Tinker Grey

What is the significance of the title Rules of Civility?

The title refers to George Washington's 110 Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation, which were copied by a young George Washington as a guide to proper behavior. The book explores the idea of how people interact with each other and how they present themselves to the world.

What is the setting of Rules of Civility?

The novel is set in New York City in the late 1930s, just before the start of World War II. The city is portrayed as a place of great opportunity and excitement, but also one that is full of inequality and social tension.

What is the writing style of Rules of Civility?

The writing style of Rules of Civility is elegant and sophisticated, with a focus on character development and dialogue. The book is written in the third person, but the narrative is filtered through the perspective of Katey Kontent.